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合规的网络股票配资 Motion capture actor for 'Black Myth: Wukong': portraying the 'Destined One' with Ch

发布日期:2024-09-29 23:05    点击次数:192


合规的网络股票配资 Motion capture actor for 'Black Myth: Wukong': portraying the 'Destined One' with Ch

After the launch of China's first AAA game合规的网络股票配资, "Black Myth: Wukong", countless gamers have stepped into the role of the protagonist, the "Destined One", realizing their hero dreams as they soar through the skies and wield their staff to shake the three realms. Such fluid and dynamic movements in the game owe a great deal to the usage of extensive motion capture technologies. With the game's massive success, the motion capture technique, along with the emerging profession of motion capture actors, has entered the public spotlight.

Much of the motion capture work for the "Destined One" was accomplished by actor Yin Kai, who is playfully referred to as the real body of Wukong. Additionally, he also contributed to the movement performances for about 60% of the game's characters. Professional motion capture actors possess outstanding body control abilities. For Yin Kai, the most challenging aspect is not to infuse various personalities into the characters through detailed movements, but to ensure that the portrayal of each character can be recognized by the audience.

Motion capture technology is now widely employed in the gaming and film-television industries, where motion capture actors don specialized suits, apply reflective markers to key points on their bodies, and perform various character movements in front of multiple cameras capturing 360-degree footage. The captured motion data is recorded and later recreated and optimized by animators and post-production teams, culminating in the final presentation of the characters' movements.

"Black Myth: Wukong" extensively employs this technology. Since joining the game project in 2018, Yin Kai has participated in two to three filming sessions each month, which would be reviewed by the production team before moving on. And it was not until earlier this year that he completed all his shooting tasks. At the peak of the work, he worked for up to 16 hours a day.



"Before shooting, the director's team provides some capture requirements, specifying whether they need combat movements, cutscenes, etc.," Yin Kai explained. "For different characters, they provide different keynote concepts, but to interpret those concepts, the team needs continuous exploration." Unlike the glamorous actors on-screen, motion capture actors work behind the scenes, facing challenges that are no less demanding than those of front-stage performers, as it requires more nonphysical performances and significant efforts in character shaping.

Prior to each shooting, Yin Kai communicates thoroughly with the directors to understand the character's personality, creating a character profile that details the weapons used, preferred techniques, and unique quirks. For the portrayal of the "Destined One", he devoted considerable thoughts, repeatedly fine-tuning his performance to maintain the character's "monkey nature" while ensuring that the movements are intense, dynamic, and aesthetically pleasing. To that end, he even incorporates elements from traditional Chinese martial arts and opera into the action design.

In "Black Myth: Wukong", while embodying the versatile character of the "Destined One," Yin Kai chose not to rigidly define his personality and style, allowing for a more inclusive representation, "so that every gamer can feel like they are the 'Destined One'".

Now, with the success of "Black Myth: Wukong". the motion capture actors hidden behind the characters are finally being recognized. Just as what the "Destined One" has been through in the game, true success is ultimately defined not just by fate, but by one's own efforts to become the "destined one" in life.

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud










文|记者 王隽杰 谢小婉






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